Friday, February 03, 2006


A380 Success To Wipe Out Smaller Jumbo Jets?

The really scary thing about the A380 super jumbo jet airplane becoming the major success it seems set to be is that its’ success could wipe out smaller jumbo jets.

Here’s how.

By being able to carry so many more passengers (850 plus) it means that the fare per passenger can be dramatically reduced, which will increase passenger volumes even further.

This will in turn leave the much smaller jumbo jet airplanes in a problem. Their economy class special offer will suddenly be too hefty. So what will they do? Fly exclusive first class passengers only? The problem is that the numbers to go round are probably not there. And besides the A380 with its’ huge space can be turned into a luxury airline complete with Casino’s, restaurants, fountains etc.

In other words, any airline that does not have an A380 in its’ fleet will be at a great disadvantage… and soon in serious trouble as all passengers head towards the super jumbo jet.

It gets even scarier. Any manufacturer without an airplane of such size will suddenly find themselves in a rather awkward position as it will rapidly become more difficult to sell anything other than a super jumbo with a seating capacity of 850 plus. It gets even more complex when you don’t even have such an airplane on your drawing boards.

Your name is Boeing and you’ve just woken up from this terrible nightmare that has left you shaking like a leaf and drenched in sweat… Don’t worry, It was just some bad dream that will never come true. Or was it?

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Instead of shaking, Boeing has updated their 747's design, with new and sleeky wings.

I suppose they are not going to weight... I mean, wait, any more.
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