Friday, July 21, 2006


Airbus In Trouble Over 380 Delays?

Airbus In Trouble Over delays? How Long Will Clients Weight? Opps Wait?
This is very bad news for me, a staunch A380 buff.

Boeing (NYSE: BA) should be the recipient or better yet the beneficiary of the recent slide of Airbus. The credibility of EADS, who is the majority owner of Airbus, was questioned after the company reported substantial delays of their A380 super jumbo planes. This just sliced over 30% of the company’s stock value off the top. Now keep in mind that these delays may be contract breakers and Boeing could begin to receive a slew of orders for their latest plane that was created to compete with Airbus. The street liked what they heard and that pushed Boeing up $5.03 as it closed at $82.01 on Wednesday June 12th 2006.

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